One Lovely Blog Award


One Lovely Blog Award

I never would have though that my 5th blog post be a blog award, but here am posting just that.

I find it very encouraging (and humbling) to know that in the short time that I have been blogging so many people have found and been enjoying my blog. So thank you everyone reading this. πŸ™‚

And special thanks to Nina of The Happy Life 101 for nominating me for this award! Nina and I only recently found each others’ blogs and I’m so privileged that she thought my blogΒ  was worth nomination for this award.

Thanks, Nina! πŸ˜€

Make sure you check out her blog, too. She has some really great posts!


  • Thank the person that nominated you and leave a link to their blog
  • Post about the award
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate at most 15 people
  • Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated


  1. I was homeschooled up and through highschool. (In case stereotypes are shaping your opinion, I’m not a weird, awakward, unsocialized, glasses donning, geek 😜)
  2. With exception to Chick-fil-A (cause I work part-time there), I haven’t eaten fast food in over 10 years. Ok, maybe I am a little wierd. πŸ˜‚
  3. Does the one above count as two? Let’s count it. I started working at Chick-fil-A as a junior in highschool. (Hey, there’s perks to being homeschooled!😝)
  4. I enjoy the somewhat unusual hobby of wood turning. I actually featured a wood-turned pen I made in both my 1st and 4th sticky-note quote post.
  5. I’m currently a freshman in college and loving it!
  6. I have two dogs, two guinea pigs, and one zebra finch (used to be a two, but one died sadly).
  7. I enjoy food or all sorts (both the cooking and eating of it) and love trying new things.


In no particular order… other than alphabetically πŸ˜€

18 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

    1. Haha! Yeah, it was a really great experience! In many ways I’m finding it really helped prepare me for college. In college, many of my peers expressed how college was very different from high school in the sense they now were finding they had to be very independent in their learning. That was a skill I had already developed as a homeschooled student, so it was NP once I started college. Very thankful to my mom for providing me with the opportunity to be homeschooled!

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  1. It’s nice knowing more things about you Allen! Freshmen and Senior years in college are the more exciting years. I hope you have fun too while being serious with studies! You and I are going to get along in the kitchen. I love to cook and eat too! πŸ˜‰

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      1. I used to be workaholic but learned to avoid it now. It sounds like it’s a good thing but it actually is not since it’s taking the time when you’re supposed to be doing things that matters more like doing the things that you enjoy and investing time to your relationships and health. And you kearn from having fun too! (I’m referring to healthy and clean fun ok?) 😊

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      2. Of course :). My last semester I took a lot of classes and I found that in order to maintain the grades I wanted, I had to invest a lot of time. I was working literally non-stop 24-7, and by the end of the semester I was wore out. Not to mention, that I was finding very little time to hang out with family, friends, and just enjoy life really. When I realized that, I decided to cut back on the number of classes I took this semester, and it’s been much better. I don’t feel guilty doing stuff like going on a hike with family, or going out to eat with friends. I’m trying to make a conscious effort to not be too focused on school and find some time to enjoy life too. πŸ˜€

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      3. Great! It’s good to focus on your studies and you’re on the right track! Just want to let you know that there are other things in life that can only be learned outside the 4 corners of the classroom too. It’s better to learn from both! ☺

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